September Twenty Seventh, Twenty Twenty One


      \   /     Sunny
       .-.      +78(80) °F     
    ― (   ) ―   ↑ 13 mph       
       `-’      9 mi           
      /   \     0.0 in     

This weeks goal was to get a feeder setup for the bees considering the lack of honey found in the previous hive inspections. With fall/winter quickly approaching this is something I wanted to get setup quickly. After some research online how other people are feeding their bees I dusted off the 3d printer and got to work. I found a design on thingiverse that utilises a wide mouth mason jar. Mom was gracious enough to loan me a rather large one which would work perfectly for this use case. I mixed up some sugar water and setup a spot a couple feet away from the hive to discourage any more ant nests.




Hopefully this feeder will give them better chances at surviving the winter.